The meat produced from the cows & calves on our farm is mainly used at the Staudachstubn restaurant. That said, the many wild herbs that grow in our farmhouse garden are also added to our delicious dishes. You will also come across hens & bees. If you wish, you can buy some of the honey. In winter, our cattle are provided plenty of room to move around in the barn, while in summertime they get to enjoy a holiday of their own up on the alpine pastures, where they munch on the beautiful grasses and herbs.
It’s impossible to imagine a better life for our cattle. The species-appropriate way we look after them is reflected in the high quality and good flavor of the meat they produce.
If you would like to see for yourself, you are always welcome to walk the few meters from our restaurant to the farm, pay the animals a visit and learn more about the wild herbs.
Or, in summer, take a hike up to our alpine pastures.